Message from WESS CEO,

As our country moves carefully toward an endemic Covid-19, WESS has also been working relentlessly to improve many aspects of our services. First, I am excited to share that the last maintenance on 5th October 2021 is, in fact, a major milestone for WESS. Although it may seem that nothing has changed from the surface, the internals, aka. the system architecture, is a complete makeover. What this means is that the WESS that is running today is a total new system, right from its core. We have converted all modules to be running as microservices, where they are now running independently and separately as micro programs, but communicating with one another to accomplish a task. More servers have been added to increase the computing power and distribution bandwidth to our users too. This design will enable us to scale, develop and integrate new features faster with lesser risk of programming breakage that causes system errors. This is a highly important and necessary change, as we continue to introduce new and better technologies to value-add, enhance security, as well as, improve the overall experience of the WESS system and its services. Secondly, our Customer Support processes have also been revamped recently, with the intention to better manage and serve all enquiries and requests that we received from our customers effectively. The revamp has a 3 pronged approach, with (1) a new WESS Help Centre, (2) a new online chat and (3) a new support system with ticketing support. We have updated all our user guides and tutorials and published them in the WESS Help Centre, making them easier to find and be understood by our users, who may wish to self-learn or just to simply remember a forgotten use steps. The online chat and support ticket have been introduced, which will replace WhatsApp support by end December 2021, as we recognised that although WhatsApp is very accessible and convenient, it is extremely difficult for us to manage and track enquiries and requests on it. Thirdly, the last but not the least, we have launched a new Consumer Web App (WESS CWA) in September 2020. This WESS CWA currently might look like it is only a slight expansion to our Online Booking module but it is a completely new app developed to function like a mobile app. Plus, more features will be added progressively. It is by no means an easy feat to make these decisions and upgrades, and I thank both our employees and customers for your absolute trust and support towards WESS and our company. Our Tech Team has been rigorously studying, developing, testing and making adjustments for the past 6 months to ensure that there are no major breakage and data compatibility issues. Our CS Team has been passionately updating the user guides, while adapting to manage all queries using the new processes. And not forgetting our customers, who have been gracious to give us their understanding and patience during these times. We are still fine-tuning the new systems and processes to make them run completely smooth and fluid, and there are more developments in the pipeline that we are eager to introduce in the near future. We will work quickly but prudently. For now, I will sign-off by saying that we stand committed to provide only the best & the most reliable system, service and support, from the perspective of our customers. Thank you. Raymond Ooi. CEO & Co Founder of WESS