Don’t lose out on the good information that your customer holding back! get them to answer your survey! Last month, WESS has introduced a new survey form feature. This addition will help greatly in making your business decision. A complete all in one solution, so you don’t have to spend more money on other software to evaluate your business.
There are many reasons why your business will need to use a survey. It is one of a good way to analyze your customer need, behavior, and attract more potential customer coming to your doorstep. The less intrusive way to ask your customer filling out the survey is while they wait for a treatment session or before they leave the premise.
1. Understand what your customer needs
Listen to your customer, their opinion matter! you can start asking a relevant question like their favorite beauty product or services they experience from other businesses. You can use this study to get on board with the current hype and figure out the latest trend that will attract more customers.
2. Find out your customer impression about your business
Creating a survey is also a good way to strengthen your customer relationship. Let your customer know their feedback can be anonymous, so they can give honest & real feedback. It may stink a little, but it necessary for your business health. This is where you can re-evaluate and find room for improvement of your business.
3. Get demographic of your target audience for online marketing
Numbers don’t lie, study a demographic of your customer. Who is more attracted to your business? is there more male or female? is it baby boomers or millennials? do they live nearer? You can also figure out their favorite hobby and beauty routine. All this information can be used to get better ads targeting your social media or your customer email list.
There are countless ways you can use a survey to help your business. If you are still finding a good business management system. You can give WESS a try, it is specifically designed for Beauty, Spa, and Salon business. Contact us now to get free demo.